What are your fees?
We are the lowest in the sector, meaning you pay less and carers are paid more. We deduct the fee from the carer invoice so what you see is what you pay, there are no hidden costs. We charge just 11.5% which pays for carer vetting, initial and ongoing checks (RTW and criminal record checks), software maintenance and development, carer insurance and we also give 10% of our profits back to charities local to you.
How much does it cost?
The cost of living is on the rise, and so is the cost of taking care of your loved ones. Caree was created to make life a little bit easier, one caree at a time. The cost will depend on the type and frequency of the care required, once you create a job you'll be able to see the exact costs on the platform, there are no hidden costs. You may also be eligible for help towards your care costs. Our FAQ sections on 'Benefits available for those with long term illnesses and disabilities' and 'How to get care support and how do you pay for it?' will help you determine if you are eligible.
How do I pay the carer?
You pay through the platform, this means that you can be assured your carer is insured and fully vetted as well as supporting the Caree community. If you take a Carer off the platform penalties apply and the Carer and Client will be removed from the platform. Please see T&Cs for full details.
Type of Care
Hourly - This is care undertaken on a by the hour basis, usually when a carer will attend your home and help with tasks the care recipient is struggling with. This could be help with chores, self-care etc. Overnight Awake - this is when a carer stays at the care recipients home over night to take care of their care needs. Overnight Sleeping - This is when the carer sleeps at the care recipients home overnight to provide care on a as needed basis. It would not be anticipated that the carer would undertaking tasks throughout the night. Live-in - The carer will live with the care recipient allowing them to live an independent life in their own home.
Is Caree registered with CQC (Care Quality Commission)?
Caree is a platform that puts clients and self-employed carers together, we are classed as an introductory agency by the CQC and therefore are not registered with them.
We continually want to improve the platform. If you have any suggestions on how we can do this please send to info@caree.com.
Firstly, we're really sorry that you're not fully satisfied with our service and feel the need to make a complaint, we treat complaints seriously and assure we will review it objectively and implement any lessons learnt from your valued feedback. Please send your complaint to complaints@caree.com. We endeavour to investigate and respond to all complaints within 5 working days.
What if my carer cant attend due to holidays or sickness?
We encourage all cares to create a local network of carers on the platform that they can recommend for these situations. If they don't, simply go onto the platform and review other local carers who could cover the gaps. We do recommend that you use at least two carers regularly so the care recipient is familiar with who will be attending.
Are the cares vetted?
Yes all carers go through right to work (RTW) and enhanced DBS/PVG/AccessNI checks before they are allowed to work on the portal.
Are the Carers insured?
We have partnered with a third party to ensure that all Carers work through the platform are insured. For full details contact info@caree.co.uk. A brief overview of cover is below; Public Liability = £1,000,000; Personal Accident = £7,500; Personal Possessions = £250; Legal Expenses = £100,000; Excess = £0
How to get care support and how do you pay for it?
This needs to a heading with the below three topics going under it.
How do I access social care support?
If you feel you need care support in your home to do daily tasks you can ask your local authority for a “NEEDS ASSESSMENT.” This assessment can look at such things as equipment you may need, such as pendants, access to day centres etc. It can also look at practical help you may need from a paid carer. The needs assessment is free and anyone can ask for one by ringing their local council. The assessment is usually conducted by a social worker or occupational therapist. They will look at how you manage every day tasks such as washing, cooking and dressing.
Do I have to pay for this support?
If the needs assessment identifies you need more support you will have a financial assessment to see if the council will pay towards the costs. You will NOT be entitled to help with care costs from your council if: • You have savings worth more than £23,250. (This will rise to £100,000 in October 2023) • You own your own property (This only applies if your moving into a care home) If you do not want a financial assessment you can chose to pay all the costs yourself. If you would like more info on how the financial assessment works click on the link below to view more info on the NHS website. Financial assessment (means test) for social care - NHS (www.nhs.uk)
Can I choose my own carers?
Yes, if you or someone you care for has help from social services you can apply for direct payments. This will allow you to use the budget agreed from your NEEDS ASSESSMENT to choose the care that you want. You may wish to employ a personal assistant rather than have different carers visiting you. For more information on direct payments in your area click on the link below and enter your local authority. Apply for direct payments - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Benefits available to those with long term illnesses or disabilities
There are benefits available for people suffering from an illness or disability that can help with care costs. These are type of benefits are “health” benefits and they are not means tested. This needs to be heading and the below go under it!!
Personal Independence Payment
“PIP can help you with living costs if you have a long term physical or Mental health condition or disability. Or, difficulty doing certain everyday tasks or getting around because of your condition.” - www.gov.uk/pip You can claim PIP regardless of if you are working, are claiming other benefits or have savings. There are two components to PIP, Daily living and Mobility. You may get one or you may be entitled to both. The lower rate for Daily living support is £61.85 and the higher rate is £92.40. The lower rate for Mobility support is £24.45 and higher rate is £64.40. These figures are correct as of Dec 2022. Personal Independence Payment (PIP): What PIP is for - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Disability Living Allowance
If you have a child under 16yrs they can apply for Disability Living Allowance. Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for children may help with the extra costs of looking after a child who: • has difficulties walking or needs much more looking after than a child of the same age who does not have a disability You can find out more information and full eligibility criteria by clicking on the link below: Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for children: Overview - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) The DLA rate is between £24.45 and £156.90 a week and depends on the level of help the child needs.
Attendance Allowance
Attendance Allowance is available for those state pension age and older. It helps with extra costs if you have a disability severe enough that you need someone to help look after you. It’s paid at 2 different rates and how much you get depends on the level of care that you need because of your disability. You could get £61.85 or £92.40 a week to help with personal support if you’re both: If you receive Attendance Allowance it may mean you can also claim other benefits. You do not have to have someone caring for you in order to claim. Attendance Allowance: Overview - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Are References available?
All cares must provide two references. We encourage clients to check the references before hiring the carer.
Can I employ a carer off the platform?platform
No - all transactions must go through the platform. If a carer and client transact off the platform both will be removed from the platform and the client will be charged a recruitment fee. See our terms and conditions for full details.
Care Support - How to get care support and how do you pay for it?
Please see FAQs; 'Can I choose my own carers when using care support?' and 'Can I choose my own carers when using care support?'
Care Support - Can I choose my own carers?
Yes, if you or someone you care for has help from social services you can apply for direct payments. This will allow you to use the budget agreed from your NEEDS ASSESSMENT to choose the care that you want. You may wish to employ a personal assistant rather than have different carers visiting you. For more information on direct payments in your area click on the link below and enter your local authority. Apply for direct payments - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Benefits available to those with long term illnesses or disabilities
There are benefits available for people suffering from an illness or disability that can help with care costs. These type of benefits are “health” benefits and they are not means tested.
Is Caree registered with CQC (Care Quality Commission)?
Caree is classed as an introductory agency by the CQC and therefore are not registered with them.
Care Support - Attendance Allowance
Attendance Allowance is available for those state pension age and older. It helps with extra costs if you have a disability severe enough that you need someone to help look after you. It’s paid at 2 different rates and how much you get depends on the level of care that you need because of your disability. You could get £61.85 or £92.40 a week to help with personal support if you’re both: If you receive Attendance Allowance it may mean you can also claim other benefits. You do not have to have someone caring for you in order to claim. Attendance Allowance: Overview - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Care Support - How do I access social care support?
If you feel you need care support in your home to do daily tasks you can ask your local authority for a “NEEDS ASSESSMENT.” This assessment can look at such things as equipment you may need, such as pendants, access to day centres etc. It can also look at practical help you may need from a paid carer. The needs assessment is free and anyone can ask for one by ringing their local council. The assessment is usually conducted by a social worker or occupational therapist. They will look at how you manage every day tasks such as washing, cooking and dressing.
Care Support - Disability Living Allowance
"If you have a child under 16yrs they can apply for Disability Living Allowance. Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for children may help with the extra costs of looking after a child who: • has difficulties walking or needs much more looking after than a child of the same age who does not have a disability You can find out more information and full eligibility criteria by clicking on the link below: Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for children: Overview - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) The DLA rate is between £24.45 and £156.90 a week and depends on the level of help the child needs. "
Care Support - Personal Independence Payment
“PIP can help you with living costs if you have a long term physical or Mental health condition or disability. Or, difficulty doing certain everyday tasks or getting around because of your condition.” - www.gov.uk/pip You can claim PIP regardless of if you are working, are claiming other benefits or have savings. There are two components to PIP, Daily living and Mobility. You may get one or you may be entitled to both. The lower rate for Daily living support is £61.85 and the higher rate is £92.40. The lower rate for Mobility support is £24.45 and higher rate is £64.40. These figures are correct as of Dec 2022. Personal Independence Payment (PIP): What PIP is for - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Type of Care
Hourly - This is care undertaken on a by the hour basis, usually when a carer will attend your home and help with tasks the care recipient is struggling with. This could be help with chores, self-care etc. Overnight Awake - this is when a carer stays at the care recipients home over night to take care of their care needs. Overnight Sleeping - This is when the carer sleeps at the care recipients home overnight to provide care on a as needed basis. It would not be anticipated that the carer would undertaking tasks throughout the night. Live-in - The carer will live with the care recipient allowing them to live an independent life in their own home.
Are there transaction fees?
The transaction fee is set by the third party provider (Stripe) and is subject to change monthly. For consistency we have opted to charge a flat 2.5% for transactions regardless of the type of payment being made. Please note that this is charged to the Carer and not the Client.
What if my carer cant attend due to holidays or sickness?
We encourage all cares to create a local network of carers on the platform that they can recommend for these situations. If they don't, simply go onto the platform and review other local carers who could cover the gaps. We do recommend that you use at least two carers regularly so the care recipient is familiar with who will be attending.
Care Support - Do I have to pay?
"If the needs assessment identifies you need more support you will have a financial assessment to see if the council will pay towards the costs. You will NOT be entitled to help with care costs from your council if: • You have savings worth more than £23,250. (This will rise to £100,000 in October 2023) • You own your own property (This only applies if your moving into a care home) If you do not want a financial assessment you can chose to pay all the costs yourself. If you would like more info on how the financial assessment works click on the link below to view more info on the NHS website. Financial assessment (means test) for social care - NHS (www.nhs.uk) "
We believe in doing our best to make our communities a better place. We work closely with local charities and give 10% or profits back to care charities in your local areas. For more information, or you are a care centered charity wanting to explore this further, please contact us via the contact section on the website or at info@caree.co.uk